Customs Management

At TR Logistics Group we have condensed how we manage our customs operations -

  • The Customs procedure, albeit a small part in the big picture that is the logistical chain, can provide many areas where the unprepared client can unintentionally cause problems or delays for themselves or their customers.
  • The Customs process provides an opportunity for clients to ensure they offer a complete quality service to their customers, whilst at the same time improving the bottom line and having confidence that compliance with HMRC is a given.

Whichever of the above applies to your organisation, Customs activities are a vital and mandatory part of the international movement of goods. Here at TR Logistics Group we are confident that we can guide and direct you through the clearance process allowing for:

  • Efficiencies of the clearance transactionCustoms Management.jpg
  • Speed to the process
  • Guidance and resolution to potential Customs issues
  • Delay payments
  • Providing more Just-in-Time and tailored customer products
  • Becoming a seamless part of the logistical, security and supply chain process

So how compliant are TR Logistics Group?

We recognise that the international trade and compliance landscape is constantly changing, and global supply chains are facing major challenges:

  • Globalisation and expansion of international trade: forging partnerships with service providers that have expertise across various geographies.
  • Increased demand for electronic data sharing: such as advanced shipment notification and sharing of compliance data.
  • A global trend towards a risk-based approach: requiring traders to share details of their shipments at any given time, such as pre-load, pre-departure and pre-arrival.
  • Increased awareness of regulations and compliance: now becoming a board level issue and a core focus among international trade companies.
  • Increased penalties for non-compliance: with an immediate impact on customers’ supply chain and financial bottom line.

It is in this climate that TR Logistics Group have the advantage and commitment to our customers to reduce the complexity of customs management and compliance, offering you a genuine competitive advantage.

A member of TR Logistics Group team would appreciate the opportunity to discuss any requirements relating to your customs management requests whether that refers to export or import. This could be just a short phone call, email or a more detailed discussion. This consultation involves our experts sitting down with you, at no charge and with no obligation, to learn about your challenges and then provide you with ideas on ways to drive down costs and improve service.

Contact us to discuss your requirements at