What is AEO?

The Authorised Economic Operator is an Internationally Recognised quality mark which indicates that a business operates within a secure supply chain and their internal controls and procedures are efficient and compliant.

Qualifying criteria

  • Record of compliance
  • Satisfactory system of managing commercial and transport records
  • Proven solvency
  • Security & Safety standards

Types of AEO

  • AEO(C) - Customs Simplifications
  • AEO(S) - Security and Safety
  • AEO(F) - Both AEO(C) & AEO(S)

Trade benefits of an AEO F certificate:

  1. Fewer physical and document-based controls
  2. Priority treatment of consignments if selected for control
  3. Choice of the place of controls
  4. Easier admittance to customs simplifications
  5. Reduced data set for summary declarations 
  6. Prior notification
  7. Mutual recognition

Other indirect benefits

  • Improved corporate governance – development of audit culture
  • Opportunities to improve and rationalise logistical systems and identify efficiency savings from review of procedures
  • Better employee commitment and customer loyalty
  • Reduced risk of theft by securing supply chain
  • Recognised as a secure and safe business partner
  • Improved management of business partners
  • A more cohesive relationship forged with Customs
  • Additional Benefits under the Union Customs Code